Experience matters.

SJF Strategies brings more than 30 years of nonprofit experience in mission-based leadership for nonprofit organizations including educational, arts, and politics, as well as community-based foundations. Specializing in executive leadership, strategic planning, fundraising and communications, we look forward to helping you achieve your goals in ways that enable you to fulfill your mission.

Sara J Fenlason

Sara J Fenlason

Sara has been working in the nonprofit community since 1990, when she graduated from Smith College.  What started as a part time campus job as a Telefundraiser – raising $250,000 from alumnae – led to a successful consulting career in the arts and higher education across the country.  Sara returned to the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul in 1998, putting her consulting experience to use, serving as the Director of Individual Giving at the Guthrie Theater, Executive Director at WomenWinning, Chief Development Officer at the Carlson School of Management, and Executive Director at the Ann Bancroft Foundation.  Sara’s strengths lie in strategic planning, relationship building, and fundraising; she finds the work of leading interdepartmental teams to success tremendously rewarding.